the work of Jet Kleiner


Jet Kleiner

Jet is an explorer artist living in the Hudson Valley, NY. Through pursuits in the visual, performing, literary, healing, and martial arts, she seeks to cultivate freedom and hope.


Photo of the sunrise over the Hudson River, by Jet Kleiner


Tapestries of Light are hand-sewn meditational works of art that evoke the beauty of light on water. A celebration of light, both physical and in the human spirit, the Tapestries of Light began with a fascination in the luminescence of satin and have evolved into an exploration of consciousness. Standing in front of one inspires a magnificent feeling of serenity and peace.  As if a weight you didn't know was there has been lifted.

Guardians of Awesome is the name the publishing company I will create to self-publish the several books I have been working on. Books on hope, freedom, and transformation using paintings, drawings, calligraphy, poems, songs, and stories that have come through me over the years. They are almost ready to be released. Stay tuned, and go to this page to see my previews and summaries.

Mini Mandalas are a series of watercolor paintings that I have been doing for a long time. Like their big brothers, the Tibetan sand mandalas, they are works of meditation in their own smaller and simpler way. Vivid colors and symmetrical unfurlings from a center point bring the viewer a restful moment of peace, as if they are portals to our deeper selves. When I paint them the knowledge of their big brothers’ focus on impermanence hovers around me, and I feel grateful for the life I have, knowing it will not last.