In the performing arts, Jet has explored and enjoyed:
-Acting (Coooper Union, NYC, college theatre production of Tartuffe by Molier in which she played the saucy maid, plus the recent lark of playing Dr. Monsanto at the Seed Song Farm Orchard Howl Festival in Kingston, NY)
-Busking (acapella singing in the NYC subway at 14th St.)
-Open mics (in New York - Queens, Manhattan, Beacon, Poughkeepsie, Kingston, and Woodstock)
-Circle Singing (Circle Singing is a brilliant form of group vocal improv created by Bobby McFerrin, with whom Jet trained at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck NY. She led a Circle Song group in Beacon, NY until the pandemic.)
-Songwriting (She has created a small collection of songs that will be included along with her poetry in her upcoming book “The Tongue Collector’s Scribe”. She is releasing videos of herself performing her poetry and songs on the YouTube channel “Ambassador of the Wilds”)